Annette Campbell

Earth's layers of color, texture, light and energy capture my attention. Granite walls pull at me to explore their hidden complexity, prove my strength, and master my fears. Oceans' immersive depth, colors and power engulf and urge me to reconnect with inner strength and calm. The tiniest of plant features intrigue and humble me. Nothing is neat and tidy, but all is perfection. I am inspired by nature's complexity, simplicity, messiness and power. My intent is for the wearer to "feel" the calmness, strength and beauty found in nature.
I arrived in the world of metalsmithing by accident... a summer's quest to learn something new. Now, i am an explorer in the world of art. I continue to develop my artist's voice through workshops and associations with artists. I am beginning to participate in shows and take a more active role in the art commiunity. Most recently, I have undertaken the challenge of Festival Committee Chairperson of the Southern Arizona Alchemist Guild.
I am honored to have the opportunity to be a member of Indigo Desert Art Collective where I can continue to learn, explore, develop relationships and contribiute.
I have learned from many and specifically studied under: Doris King, April Bower, Robert Lopez, Wolfgang Vaatz, Janet Alexander, Thomas Ashman, Jeff Fullkerson, Mary Hettmansperger, Richard Salley, Robyn Cornelius, Thomas Mann, Tami Macala, Lynn Chinn and Lexi Erickson.
I am a member of The Southern Arizona Alchemist Guild and Arizona Designer Craftsmen.